Terms & Privacy Policy
This statement sets out the RWT policy regarding personal data collected, held and used and follows the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
From who do we collect information?
We collect information from individuals and organisations who have given their consent and who wish to become members, friends, volunteers or those who wish to receive communications from us.
What information do we collect?
The information we collect may include the following:
- Name
- Address
- Email address
- Telephone numbers
- Membership information (fees paid, date, membership number, date joined)
- Areas of interest
- Project work
- Offers of help / assistance
- Donations paid via the website
- Date of birth for members under 16
- Names of those attending RWT events
- Additional information about volunteers as may be required for insurance or health and safety reasons
- Additional information from Trustees and officers as may be legally required - including date of birth, nationality, other trustee positions held
How do we use the information?
The information used is to generate communications from RWT via email, text, telephone or post. Typically the communications include the following:
- Membership renewals and information
- News and events about the RWT
- Newsletters and notes from Trustees and other officers
- Invitations to meetings and RWT sponsored events and other related events and activities in the Waveney Valley
- Communications regarding projects
PLEASE NOTE: We do not pass on or share your personal information with any other organisation
How is the information stored?
The information collected is stored on a contacts database provided by the hosting platform for the RWT website. RWT staff members also hold their own databases related to project work on password protected computers. Our site is currently hosted by TidyHQ. Hard copy membership forms and gift aid declarations are held by the Company Secretary.
Who has access to the information?
Access to all information is password protected and is limited to specified RWT officers. Those currently identified as having access are the Company Secretary, Membership Admin Officer and RWT staff members.
How long is the information held?
The information is held until consent is withdrawn. After that, we will only retain that information we are obliged to keep for accounting and statutory purposes. Information to be deleted will be actioned within 14 days of receiving notice.
How to withdraw consent to hold personal information
There are two ways to withdraw consent for us to hold your personal data. Either click on the word “unsubscribe” in one of our emails to you or contact us advising that you would like to withdraw your consent to hold information.
How to access and change the information we hold
You are entitled to see the information held about you and you may ask us to make any changes to ensure that it is accurate and kept up to date and reflects any change in preferences you may have previously expressed. If you wish to do this, please contact the RWT.
How to contact us
All comments, queries and requests relating to the use of personal information are welcomed and should be addressed to:
Telephone: 07734 708395
Email: secretary@riverwaveneytrust.org
Updated: 27 Feb 24