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The Nore Suir River Trust commissioned a report on the barriers to salmonid migration in the River Nore.

This report was funded by the Office of Public Works, and carried out by Alan Sullivan, BSc MIFM in June 2007.

The Barrier Report: 'Assessment of Fish Passage and the Ecological Impact of Migration Barriers on the River Nore Catchment', Alan Sullivan BSc MIFM.
Download here.
The Basin, a major barrier to migration, at the confluence of the Nore and Delour

'The Basin', a major barrier to migration at the confluence
of the Nore and Delour.

The Barrier Report is a very large file (16.5MB), and may take several minutes to download.

We recommend starting download, and then making a cuppa. It's well worth the wait.

Visit our fish passage projects pages, to see what we are doing about the problems.

Also, see a selection of videos of salmon attempting to pass the barriers, here.
